About Michelle Stevens

Michelle Stevens is well known for her expertise in programming, branding, marketing, and coaching talent to bring out their authentic selves on air and help them connect and relate one-on-one to form deeper relationships with their audience. She believes in personality radio, noting “anyone can duplicate a playlist, it’s personalities along with their deep bonds with the audience, when fully developed, that can’t be replicated. This unique differentiation point builds meaningful brand depth, which ultimately leads to long term ratings and revenue success.” From revealing the unique points of view, quirks, flaws and vulnerabilities which humanize each character and making them more endearing to the audience to developing compelling, original content and benchmarks that differentiate them in the market, Michelle works with talent to develop their distinct characters.

Michelle’s extensive programming experience spans 30 years in nearly every format and all market sizes. She has guided more than 100 stations in over 20 markets, helping teams to achieve consistent #1 ratings and become market leading revenue producers. She has launched and built numerous stations from conception, developing them into top rated brands with sustained market leadership and brand equity.

As Director of Brand Management for Connoisseur Media, Michelle is responsible for overseeing the programming and content strategy of the company’s brands. Prior to joining Connoisseur Media, Michelle served as VP, then SVP and EVP of Programming for Nassau Broadcasting where she was responsible for overseeing programming strategy, marketing and brand management for 65 stations. Michelle has served on the Board of Directors, as well as Chair, of the NJBA Convention Committee, NAB Programming Subcommittees and has received various industry awards. She has been recognized as Program Director of the Year by Billboard, Gavin and FMQB. Michelle is a graduate of the College of New Jersey with a bachelor’s degree in Communications.

What others say about Michelle

  • Executive visionary, master strategist, perennial #1 winning coach! Michelle has a unique knack for identifying raw talent and developing celebrities. EVERY MARKET, EVERY TIME!

    Don Dalesio
    Don Dalesio COO, Press Communications
  • Michelle exemplifies what it takes to be a great coach! She is analytical, while also understanding that passion and creativity are equally as important in creating a successful morning show. Having worked with almost every format and a countless number of shows, Michelle brings a wealth of experience & knowledge to every show she coaches. She is the smartest programmer I know and I am proud to call her my mentor.

    Dave McKay
    Dave McKay Program Director and Mornings on 94.5 PST
  • Michelle’s a brilliant programming strategist and talent development coach who consistently is building winning brands. She’s a mentor who listens and challenges you to be all you can be!  

    Mike Kaplan, Program Director, 98.7 KYSR Los Angeles
    Mike Kaplan, Program Director, 98.7 KYSR Los Angeles
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