Teasing Is Great: Guess What’s Better?

During a recent coaching session, the show host had an enlightening moment, realizing that teasing is the radio’s version of clickbait. Like its digital counterpart, teasing is a hook that draws listeners in. Clickbait headlines (teases) use emotional and sensational language to get readers’ attention. We’ve all been victims of clicking that headline only to be disappointed […]


Harnessing the Power of Change

Media, technology, and culture are transforming at an unparalleled pace. For many people, change causes anxiety, such as fear of the unknown and loss of control. A smaller number of people welcome change and thrive on it. Change is the constant we can count on. So, let’s first look at five ways we deal with […]


Authentic Connection Checklist

The primary reason that Americans listen to radio (besides that it is free) is for deejays and personalities. Memorable on-air characters are significantly more important to radio listeners than music or contests. Being memorable requires authenticity. Listeners don’t want or expect a show to be all focused on you all the time, but they appreciate […]


Expand Your Cast for Free

Contributors, experts, and friends of your show can significantly enhance its quality, appeal, and success. Expanding your cast creates a bigger, more dynamic sound for any show. Local experts help make the show sound more connected to the market. The good news is most will do it for free! The exposure boosts their brand and […]


7 Show Killers

We learn from our mistakes by observing what not to do. In the current Fortune issue, Doug McMillon, CEO of Walmart, noted, “It’s fun when the world tries to condemn a failure, and inside, you just smile and say, ‘We were learning.’” Following up on Jeff McHugh’s blog, Mistakes and Learning, we have identified and learned from seven major show […]


Mistakes and Learning

Have you ever made a mistake and find yourself focusing on it later? I coach people not to, but I recently found myself doing just that. Christian Music Broadcasters invited me to deliver a 25-minute Ted Talk-style presentation at their conference in Orlando. As is my habit, I overprepared, rehearsed repeatedly, and began my talk feeling confident. […]


When to Get Personal on Radio

Consider this scenario: two people meet at the mailbox for the first time. They engage in a conversation, but it’s unlikely they’ll delve into personal matters like my spouse is sleeping with the yoga teacher! Instead, they naturally gravitate toward a third topic that’s universally relatable: the mail. This is the essence of the Theory of […]


The Fate of Live Radio in 2024

Is your show underperforming in Nielsen because it airs live? Many hosts prefer doing a live radio show, which can sometimes hold a show back. Early radio was all live. There were great shows in the Golden Years of Radio, but much of it was not very good. The only media competition back then was […]


Ride the Brain Wave (To Higher Performance)

What if you had a higher volume of creative ideas, your critical thinking was sharper, or your attention more focused? You would be a more innovative talent and a more dynamic and persuasive leader. Neuroscientists reveal that increasing your presence in one of the five brainwaves can boost creativity, problem-solving, memory, and focus. Which one […]


The Genius of And

I learned a valuable coaching lesson from hilarious air talent and voiceover master Jack Murphy. In a workshop at WKZL Greensboro, I complimented Jack on a bit he did on his morning show. He immediately said, “OK, BUT?” He expected me to follow the compliment with the word “but” and what I didn’t like about the […]

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