One of the most popular and effective exercises I do with on-air personalities is the Ben and Jerry’s Exercise. It is based on a story I heard about Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and how they [...]
Years ago, I coached a talented morning radio host who loved performing his show in the studio but had near panic attacks when doing anything out of the studio. By chance, I had just finished [...]
“It’s not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters.”― Epictetus, Greek Stoic Philosopher There has been a lot of change this week, some good, some bad. You are going through [...]
I was burnt out, and I did not understand why. Many years ago, as a 24-year-old radio host and music director, I worked long days, nights, and weekends but could not finish the job. A nearby [...]
Do you ever feel bad about doing something poorly?Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly because doing it poorly is better than not doing it at all. We want perfection immediately. We avoid [...]
Legendary investor Warren Buffet once said, “No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.” A new [...]
Listeners form an emotional bond with on-air hosts, and when a show is successful, it feels much the same as an in-person connection. An early step in deep relationships is learning a name. [...]
The primary reason that Americans listen to radio (besides that it is free) is for deejays and personalities. Memorable on-air characters are significantly more important to radio listeners than [...]
Have you ever made a mistake and find yourself focusing on it later? I coach people not to, but I recently found myself doing just that. Christian Music Broadcasters invited me to deliver a [...]
Is your show underperforming in Nielsen because it airs live? Many hosts prefer doing a live radio show, which can sometimes hold a show back. Early radio was all live. There were great shows in [...]