What Radio Can Give You That Your iPad Can’t

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What is the one thing that people value about radio that they can’t get on their smart phone or iPad? Hint: It’s the thing most radio stations are eliminating. It’s the thing radio has discontinued developing….morning personalities.

This research find was outlined by Jerry Del Colliano at his recent 2011 Media Solutions Lab in Phoenix (www.insidemusicmedia.com). Radio has been enamored with cost cutting in the form of voice tracking, syndication and more-music morning shows since consolidation and with the inception of PPM. The talent pool turned puddle has made it difficult to find shows, hosts, co-hosts for even the biggest markets.


The outside radio solution: Go outside radio to find personalities. Paul and Young Ron Mornings, Big 105.9 Miami and syndicated throughout South Florida, did just that recently and promptly bounced back to number one in men in PPM. The new cast includes Dave Lamont, ESPN & ABC Sports, Kelly Craig, a TV news anchor, Andrew Dorfman, a local comedian/club owner and Lamar Thomas, ex-Miami Dolphin player.

Lamont and Tonelli, 107-7 The Bone San Francisco, found their third player, Sully, on a random call to a 7-11. Jimmy Kimmel discovered an entertaining boxing instructor at his gym named Adam Carolla. Try these sources to find your next star:

¬    TV personalities
¬    Bloggers
¬    Newspaper and magazine writers
¬    Podcasters
¬    YouTube
¬    Local improv and comedy groups
¬    Local athletes
¬    Your morning show “panel of experts” (relationship, health, etc.)
¬    Conduct a local version of American Idol (Atlanta Idol, Denver Star, etc.)

Inside radio solution:

¬    Interns
¬    Third and fourth players on multi-cast shows
¬    Hosts from dayparts outside mornings
¬    Saturday Night: Open one show weekly on the weekend (late night/early morning) where listeners get to do a radio show. Screen the best ones by having them submit videos and/or audio of their act. Showcase them on your website and Facebook page. WABB Mobile recently found their new street guy and phone screener from a video he sent of his celebrity impressions.

Engaging radio personalities can represent exclusive, innovative and creative content that is relevant and valued in our on-demand, instant gratification culture. The best personalities connect emotionally with people in our connection-starved world. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg!

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