Topic Idea: Things He’s Thinking Before He Proposes

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It’s the holiday season and a lot of people get engaged on Christmas or New Year’s Eve. If you think “Will you marry me?” is the only thing running through a guy’s head before he pops the question, this article may surprise you with other things he’s thinking.

Set Up Ideas

  • Talk to guys who are going to propose over the holidays. Are they nervous? Did they ask her parents? Create serial content by following up with the guys after the holidays to see if the proposals were accepted.


  • Are you nervous because you suspect your boyfriend is going to propose over Christmas and you’re not ready to get married yet?


  • What was going through your head when you proposed to your fiancee?


  • If a guy asks his girlfriend to marry him on Christmas, should he buy her another gift for Christmas, or should the ring count as the gift?

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