How to Rock Your Personal Appearances

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How to act. Arrive early and stay late. Be on your best professional behavior. We do promotions to get votes, to cement important relationships, to increase the love. You are a rock and roll politician and your job is to shake hands and kiss babies. No drugs, no alcohol, nothing that momma wouldn’t be proud of.

What to say, what not to say. You are a representative of the station and your show brand. If you have any issues about station policy or format or anything at all, an event or promotion is not the place to air them. In public we put on a united front. Same goes for competition. No bad mouth, we do our fighting behind the scenes
Good beginnings. It’s a good idea to have some sort of icebreaker that makes it easy and natural for air talent to engage visitors when they arrive. This can be a prize wheel, a door prize drawing or a fun contest in the venue. Ask your engineers to set up multiple mics with a recorder, play your fun benchmark game in person and air the audio when you go back to the studio
How to work the crowd. Don’t stay in one spot and wait for people to come to you, move through the crowd and greet as many people as possible. Touch them, smile, thank them for listening to the station, and tell them we couldn’t do what we do without their support.

Don’t let any one fan monopolize your time, and should you encounter a listener with a negative attitude, don’t let that person make you lose focus. Be polite, move on and quickly adjust
How to work the client. When you first get to the site, immediately find your contact and tell them you’ve arrived. If the contact is the client, spend an extra minute and put some star power on her. Let her know just how much you and the radio station appreciate her support. Bring him a little extra something from the station-tickets, CD’s, whatever you have. It’s so easy to go that one extra step and the impression you make can be so valuable
Get video, pictures, and audio to use on the air. Take pictures of the talent with fans. Grab email addresses and send them a copy. Ask permission to share on social media
Promote the event online. Before and during the event, share the details via social media. Post photos or videos during the event, encouraging listeners to attend. Stream big events on Facebook Live or YouTube.

How to make your exit. Find the primary contact and thank them again for the opportunity to work with them on this event. If you’ve connected with the client via social media, send a public thank you.

Be sure you have everything you came with minus the stuff you gave away.

When you appear at a station event, you are the radio station and your show brand. You are the General Manager, the Program Director, the Marketing Director and the CEO all rolled into one. Be sure to act like it.

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