Gratitude Boosts Business

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Let’s continue the attitude of gratitude! Gratitude is too important to our life and business to only be celebrated on one day.

There’s a shift toward a more humane workplace, rooted in gratitude, where employees feel appreciated, valued, and empowered to reach their fullest potential. In their podcast, Harvard Business School’s Francesca Gino and Adam Grant revealed their study highlights on the values of gratitude in the workplace:

  • Increased engagement: Organizations that recognize their people inspire real connection.
  • Higher productivity: When employees feel celebrated and valued, they’re more excited to work.
  • Better retention: A positive recognition strategy boosts morale and breeds loyalty.
  • Greater motivation: Regular appreciation gives people fresh purpose and momentum.
  • More satisfied customers: Employees who are openly praised earn higher loyalty and satisfaction scores.
  • Stronger connections: Remote teams feel more connected when positive feedback rolls in.

Recognition and praise are major components of gratitude. In our talent coaching practice, we’ve found talent to be receptive to coaching recommendations when they are first recognized for their strengths and positive performances.

Shawn Anchor’s New York Times best-selling book Big Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness and Well-Being notes, “Praise creates what I call a ‘virtuous cycle’ – the more you give, the more you enhance your own supply. When done right, praise primes the brain for higher performance, which means that the more we praise, the more success we create.

5 Ways Radio Can Express Gratitude & Recognition

  1. Thank contest winners. Many radio stations still have talent make contest winners answer questions like, “What radio station just gave you $100?” That’s like giving your significant other flowers and saying, “Who just gave you a nice bouquet of flowers?” Simply say, “Thank you for listening to station/show.”
  2. Recognize exceptional performance. DeDe in the Morning Brand & General Manager, George Cook asks the syndicated team to highlight the Best Bit/Segment of the Week and the Best Character Revealing Break of the week.
  3. Say thank you to your community. Max 98.1 just raised over $640,000 for the Memphis Ronald McDonald House. Many other stations and shows are giving thanks to their communities in numerous ways this holiday season.
  4. People are ecstatic to receive thank-you notes.” Yes, ecstatic is the word the authors of a study published in Psychological Science used to describe the power of thank-you notes. Salespeople can write thank you notes to clients, talent to endorsement clients, and radio stations to organizations they’re involved with in the market. The format doesn’t matter, it can be a snail-mailed note, an email, or a text.
  5. Thank your mentors and influencers. Expressing gratitude to people who have positively impacted your life and career is a happiness boost for both of you.

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

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