The Opposite of Fear

Years ago, I coached a talented morning radio host who loved performing his show in the studio but had near panic attacks when doing anything out of the studio. By chance, I had just finished Steven Pressfield’s life-changing book The War of Art, which is about reaching peak creative performance by overcoming one’s internal resistance. “Resistance is […]


The New Wisdom Economy

The term “knowledge economy” was popularized by famed business management consultant Peter Drucker in the 1960s. The “knowledge worker” thrived into the 21st century through knowledge, skills and data analysis. In the early 2000s, Google gave us access to a super library of information at our fingertips, kicking off the initiation of the “wisdom economy.” Now, with […]


The Wisdom of Two Creative Geniuses

I just finished watching the Ken Burns documentary Leonardo da Vinci, streaming on PBS. My greatest takeaway was how similar this Renaissance man was to Steve Jobs. Da Vinci and Jobs were obsessed with curiosity and strived to look past accepted norms, do the impossible, and change the world. Maybe you will create the next innovation in media by […]


Gratitude Boosts Business

Let’s express gratitude throughout the year! Gratitude is too essential to our lives and businesses to be celebrated only on one day. There’s a shift toward a more humane workplace rooted in gratitude, where employees feel appreciated, valued, and empowered to reach their fullest potential. In their podcast, Harvard Business School’s Francesca Gino and Adam Grant revealed […]


Local vs. Syndication

Following another relentless round of layoffs and budget cuts, iHeart Media chairman Bob Pittman’s comments reignited radio’s still-raging debate about local versus syndication. The essence of Pittman’s statement is, “I think what we’re doing is not getting rid of air talent. What we’re able to do now, because we’ve got technology, is we can take […]


What Brand Emotion Do You Own?

Jimmy Fallon says he spent years chasing a dream that wasn’t his. After his first stint at SNL, his goal was to become a movie star. He made two movies that bombed. Then he had a realization. “I think my why is, ‘Can I make people happy?’” Notice how Jimmy applies “happy” to every bit, joke, and guest. For years, […]

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