Charlie Sheen IS a Rock Star from Mars!

 In Blog

He’s the world’s best ranter. He’s engaging. He’s real.  He’s passionate. He’s funny. He’s energized. He’s intelligent.  He’s articulate. He’s entertaining. He’s imaginative. He’s innovative. He’s creative. He’s connecting emotionally. He has the sharpest point of view (Who’s got a sharper one?). He’s a bad boy. He’s rebellious. He’s polarizing. He’s creating conflict, stirring everyone up. He’s taking on a big corporation and pulling no punches. He’s taking on the media establishment and playing them.  He’s #winning.

Charlie Sheen is the new king of all media.
Last week, Sheen broke the record for amassing over 1.3 million Twitter followers in less than a day. He is resonating with people who admire him for standing up to the establishment and telling it like he sees it. We’re not getting a PR media created personality; we’re getting the real Charlie Sheen.

Charlie Sheen fits The Randy Lane Company’s description of all great talent:

 1. He’s the epitome of an high definition character (authentic, real; tells 
     the truth)

2.  He’s dishing out sticky content

Without making us question your mental state – drug benders, hookers, assault charges — channel your inner Charlie Sheen and be a true personality brand.

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