Creativity Wins

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In a time of tight or nonexistent budgets, creativity wins.  How many stations stick great prizes in the V.I.P Club.  REALLY?  Are we so desensitized to great prizes that we tend to dumb them down or take them for granted?  The bigger we make it, the bigger the listeners believe it is.  Creating “must listen” moments is the key to winning in the PPM and diary worlds… frankly, it’s a lot of fun!

After over 25 years as a morning host, I’ve only sat in the front row once. At Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto for a Garth Brooks concert.  It was amazing, and I’ll never forget it!  Imagine creating that memory for your listeners.  The trick is, how do you make it memorable for everyone listening, giving it potential to go viral?

Those front row tickets or backstage passes offered by the record companies can be a massive promo opportunity.  Watch this video and check out how fellow Randy Lane Company coach Dave Ryan took it up a notch with “Powerballs” for Britney front row tickets.

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