Be Yourself

 In Blog

Kurt Cobain once said, “I would rather be hated for something I am, than loved for something I am not.”

An article showcasing That Guy Kramer morning show (Play 98.7/Tampa) co-host, Miguel Fuller, brings Cobain’s point to light for those of us in morning radio. Fuller, who is gay and black, is open about his life on the air.  He feels that people should get to know him for who he is and not just as that gay person. “Not only am I gay, I’m also black and struggle with weight issues,” he said.

“We’re there to share our lives and connect,” Fuller says. And connect, he has. He gets email and Facebook posts from gay youth and parents of gay teens regularly. One such email was from a 9th grader named Nathan:  “Hey Miguel,Thank you so much… I’ve been gay since the 7th grade and ever since listening to you…You have made me feel more comfortable in coming out to my friends and my mom they all understand…”

Being authentic means living your own life regardless of the opinions of other people. How are you different? Whatever it is that makes you unique – whether it’s being gay, growing up poor, being adopted, struggling with your weight or addiction problems, getting divorced, surviving cancer, losing a loved one, being cheated on – whatever it is that is your story, bring it to your show (appropriately). When you are vulnerable, you invite others to be open as well and you give people a reason to care about you.

For authenticity to work, it has to be paired with humility. Your story is your story alone. You are not speaking for every child that was adopted, every fat guy, every person who has ever gone through a divorce. Your story may not be everyone’s story. Express your personal beliefs without grandstanding.  Be a good listener and don’t assume. Ask questions. Be supportive and respectful, especially of people who don’t share your opinions.

Miguel’s openness is impacting families. You being open may not be as life-changing but it will be more impactful than you realize. None of us like to feel alone. Fuller says, “There’s a saying my grandmother always told me,” he said. “There’s nothing new under the sun. Somebody’s already gone through that or experienced that.”

Click here to read the article about Miguel Fuller. 


-written by Angela Perelli


Click here to read more about Angela.

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