I Love You

 In Blog

Has this ever happened to you? You are on the phone with someone like a co-worker, friend or business associate and after you say goodbye you say “I love you” (the way you end conversations with a loved one). Talk about embarrassing!

Take calls on embarrassing stories where listeners said “I love you” to the wrong person or someone said it to them.  Take the segment one step further and record and edit these ideas:

  • Have someone from the show call up the PD, GSM or GM and ask them a quick question. At the end of the call say “I love you” and see how they respond. You might get some fun, awkward audio out of the conversation.


  • You could also call someone outside the station who might give you an awkward response (friends, your hair stylist, etc.).
  • If you do this with more than one person, create an audio montage of the “I love you” clips to play on-air.


written by Randy Lane


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