Parenting Topic: Letting A Facebook Poll Name Your Baby

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The Meskes, unable to come up with a name for their unborn child, narrowed down their options to four choices  last fall and then left the decision up to a Facebook poll. No matter what the result, the couple claimed in September, they were dedicated to sticking with whatever the results of the poll told them. Read the story here.

Set Up Ideas:

  • The couple told a CBS reporter “With Facebook being such a huge part of our culture now, this is something that it’s kind of going to”. Take polar views on social media. How much is too much involvement?


  • Is there anyone listening who would let your show launch a Facebook poll to name their baby?


  • What would you let Facebook decide? Set someone up on the show to have a Facebook poll decide for them. Could be as mundane as what to have for dinner, what movie to see, or as big as what tattoo to get or what wedding dress to wear.

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