Topic Idea: The Spouse Allowance

 In Blog

Pete the Planner, a financial guru for CNN, CBS, Fox News, got an email from a viewer who wants advice to put his wife on an allowance. Jeff says his wife spends too much money running the household, and that an allowance based on the chores she does would curb her spending.

Instead of giving Jeff financial advice, Pete the Planner tells Jeff he is the problem, not his wife’s spending. Pete’s response stirred some controversy, igniting a debate in the comments. Read more here.

Set Up Ideas:

  •  Frame this as a listener email and set up a debate. Who is the problem- Jeff or his wife?
  •  How much money are household chores worth?
  •  Pete the Planner suggests that Jeff spend a week away from work, doing the job his wife does at home. If a member of your show has a stay-at-home spouse, have him or her swap places and describe the experience. Or have your single show player give a parent on the show the weekend off. Get video and audio to share with listeners on how the swap went.

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