Male Topic Idea: Women Who Dress Sexy After 50

 In Blog

A sneak peek of the video for Madonna’s new single “Girl Gone Wild” was released, including scenes of Madonna gyrating wildly. See pictures here and view the video teaser here.

Set Up Ideas:

  • Madonna is 54 and still dressing sexy. How old is too old to dress sexy? Is it age or the condition of your body that matters? Discuss.


  • Ask your male listeners: Do you like seeing women dressed sexy regardless of their age, or do you think there is an age limit?


  • Ask any female listeners over 50 who dress sexy to send you a picture. Post it online, let listeners vote on whether she can “get away with it” or not. Create serial content by checking in with her the next day with the results, and your recommendation on whether or not she needs a new look.

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