Parenting Topic Idea: Tween Waxing

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Is it okay to take your tween to get a bikini wax? Some salons are promoting discounts just for girls under 15, creating a debate on whether bikini waxes sexualize young girls. Read more about it on The Stir.

Set Up Ideas:

  • Bikini waxing for tweens: sexualizing young girls or just saving them from embarrassment during activities like swimming or dancing? Discuss.


  • Make it bigger by having one of the guys on the show get waxed live.


  • How did your parents embarrass you when you were a kid, while trying to “fix” your issues? Wax your unibrow? Straighten your hair? 


  • Call a local salon for their take. What is the age of the youngest client they have had? Or on a more serious angle, ask an expert (child psychologist, school counselor, doctor) to weigh in on the debate.

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