A 12 Month Resolution for 2012: Build Your Own Personality Brand

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If you were asked to define your personality brand in 3-4 words, could you do it?

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a “name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”
The key word in this definition is distinct. Today everyone has an opportunity with social media to strengthen and distinguish their personality brand.

A brand is the personality behind the name. Defining your personality brand doesn’t end when your show is over. What you do online should reflect your on-air character and strengthen your brand by sending a consistent message to listeners.

Make your online presence a focus for 2012. It’s an important part of radio today, and could be considered a strength when your contract is up for renewal (or if you find yourself on the job hunt).

Here are social media tips to take you through all twelve months of 2012 (so no giving up on this resolution after January):

January:   Define your character in one phrase. (If you’re a Randy Lane Company client, you already have this down.) What adjectives describe you? Are you serious, comical, conservative, hip, edgy, fun? Use these to develop a “tone” for your brand voice. Listeners should get a sense of your personality by the way you write.

(While we’re on the subject, read Angela’s article on How to Write Funny if comical is in your character.)

February:   Set goals for yourself. Do you want to increase your number of Twitter followers, Facebook likes or YouTube subscribers? Are you interested in developing relationships with listeners or others in the radio industry? You can’t measure progress if you don’t know what your personal goals are.

March:   Choose a social app to help you easily manage various social networks. You’ll be able to manage your own accounts on different platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and manage the station accounts as well from one interface. You can also schedule some of your tweets and posts so your message reaches a larger percentage your audience. Here are a few of my favorite apps:

Many apps will even tell you when your audience is “listening”, which helps you understand the best times to post a status update or tweet.

April:   Develop a minimum frequency goal and stick to it (permanently). How often will you be tweeting or posting on Facebook? Regardless of your time constraints, setting a frequency goal will ensure your accounts stay active and don’t look stale.

May:   Share your opinion this month. What’s your take on the topic you’re posting about?  Provide the information along with your thoughts on it. Your opinions are part of what make your voice distinct.

June:   Create organic content by making a hot topic your own. For example, when Scarlett Johansson’s nude pics leaked, Nat from Breakfast with Nat & Drew, Virgin/Vancouver, took her own Johanssoning picture. Instead of her butt in the mirror, though, it was a donkey (still an ass!). This was a fantastic way to put a personal touch on a hot topic.

July:   Share what you’re passionate about this month. Love cooking? Make a video of yourself preparing your favorite recipe, and share it with listeners via your social networks and station website.

August:   Be self deprecating. Find a way this month to showcase your endearing flaws online the way you do on-air. If you’re known for having great hair, share a picture of the oh-so-rare bad hair day.

September:   Give listeners a peek into what you’re up to off the air. Use pictures and videos to show what’s going on behind the scenes.

October:   Network with others in the radio industry. LinkedIn and Twitter are great for finding people you would like to meet, or reaching out to someone for the first time. Building relationships within the industry is important because you never know when that person could be your next co-host, PD or GM.

November:   Use social media for show prep. Following shows you admire can be the catalyst for brainstorming on topics, features and contests. With Twitter, you can favorite tweets and look back at them when you have time.

December:   Focus on your listeners. Talk with them, not at them. Developing meaningful relationships with listeners can convert them into brand ambassadors, and give you a sense of what listeners like and don’t like about your show.

Just a reminder: All content should support the brand essence of your show and station, as well. If you’re posting on the station or show accounts, what you say represents more than just your personality brand. Keep this in mind if you want to keep your job!

Have other tips to share for 2012? Leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.

– written by Stephanie Winans


Follow me on Twitter @StephanieWinans

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