Show Prep When I Don’t Have A Job… Say What?

 In Blog

If you are between jobs it’s essential that you maintain awareness of your personality brand in the media marketplace. Danny Czekalinski, most recently WRMF West Palm, is our guest blogger this week. Danny has a great new site and he shares his ideas on marketing yourself/show between gigs.
-Randy Lane

I look at idle time as wasted time.  If you find yourself suddenly “on
the beach” then take the time you used to spend on show prep and spend
it on YOU! 

The first thing I would suggest is to design a blog.  I used because it allowed me to post audio and video and it’s the same domain used by many CBS stations.  I was able to post my resume, bio, and many demos on the page. 

Your blog is your content.  Pick a topic that is trending and make this your creative outlet.  Don’t blog just to blog.  Treat it like being on the air.  Make it informative, engaging and/or entertaining.  Make me WANT to come back.
Make me WANT to subscribe through a RSS feed or e-mail.

Once you are up and running promote your blog through other avenues in
social media.  Send a RSS feed to your facebook page.  You can set it
up so that when you update your blog your Twitter followers will know
there is new content.  Find other blogs that interest you and comment
on their content.  This will only increase exposure to YOUR blog.
Gaining exposure is just like gaining listeners; you can never have
too many or too much.

Social media isn’t going away.  It’s a very powerful tool in your
career and a great way of keeping your influence and brand alive.

Danny Czekalinski

Click here to visit Danny’s blog 
Find Danny on Facebook
Follow Danny on Twitter

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