Valentine’s Day Serial Content Idea: 20 Chick Flicks in 30 Days

 In Blog

As mentioned above, challenges and quests are effective techniques for morning shows. Nick Waters went where very few men have gone before when he decided to watch a string of “chick flicks” in hopes of better understanding the opposite sex. But then he took it a step further by deciding to document the whole experience on a blog entitled 30 Chick Flicks in 30 Days: One Guy’s Exploration of Romance through Movies Loved by Women.

So, what does a man say after a month of romantic comedies?  “Love is tender,” says Waters, “…and any real relationship is based on forgiveness, compassion and vulnerability.”   Waters encourages others to take the 30 Chick Flicks Challenge.

Setup Ideas:

  • Commit one [macho] player from the show to watch 30 romantic comedies in 30 days leading up to Valentine’s Day. Let listeners submit movie ideas on your website or social networks.


  • For a male-leaning show, have the female on the show watch sports movies and report back each day on what she’s learning about men.


  • Use clips from the movies to add production value. Host viewing parties. Give away DVDs and popcorn.

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