Topic Idea: I Wish a Judge Would Order My Spouse to…

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A Florida man who appeared in court yesterday on a domestic violence charge was ordered by the judge to … take his wife on a date. The charge apparently grew out of an argument Joseph Bray had with his wife—whose birthday he failed to acknowledge on Monday. According to the arrest report, Bray shoved his wife onto the couch, held her neck, and readied himself for a punch, but didn’t actually hit her.

At yesterday’s hearing, she told Judge Jay Hurley she was neither hurt nor in fear. Because of that, and because Bray had no priors, the judge ordered what the Sun-Sentinel calls “whimsical conditions.” Read more here.

Set Up Ideas:


  • Ask your listeners to fill in the blank: “I wish a judge would order my spouse to do ________.”


  • You be the judge. Have listeners call in with the offense, and create a punishment that “fits the crime.”

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