One of the most popular and effective exercises I do with on-air personalities is the Ben and Jerry’s Exercise. It is based on a story I heard about Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and how they [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Your audience is in a damn big hurry. Consider these media headlines and think about what they mean for your radio show or podcast. Shorter hit songs. The average pop song length is now 3:15. In [...]
Comedian Jay Leno collects cars. Here are three cars that Leno owns today. Which will you remember three weeks from now? 1968 Mercedes 1933 Bugatti 1955 Buick Roadmaster — the car Jay lived [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
There are no hard and fast rules for mic order on radio shows. Who talks first, second, third, etc.? There are highly successful shows with a fixed mic order AND there are highly successful shows [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
If you are a reader of our newsletter, you may recall my adventure trying improvisational theatre last spring. Despite how terrible I was, I grew a lot from the experience. I signed up [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]