Future Trend: Get in the Companionship Business

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Personalities will be even more crucial to the success of FM and podcasting in the future because of an increasing trend: social isolation.

40% of Americans reported in a 2018 study that they felt isolated from others and lacked companionship.

People report having fewer close friends today than in the past. The average has dropped from three BFFs to two.

Social media is intended to connect people but often leads users to feel more disconnected.

Modern lifestyles include screen addiction, long work commutes that limit civic engagement and more people living alone.

A Duke University study indicated that people have fewer friends outside the family than in the past.

How does that affect your strategy for radio/podcast content?

Which of these would appeal more to a lonely person? 

  • A text-to-win contest or a familiar voice that feels like an old friend?
  • Commercial-free Mondays or funny stories from a great on-air team?
  • Slick production between automated songs or a passionate, authentic human being? 

Measuring brain waves, social scientists say that the emotional bond between a listener and an authentic media personality is just as strong as a real-life relationship. People don’t have the same bond with songs and giveaways.

Humanity is the difference between FM and rapidly growing online competitors like Spotify. Consider these tactics that can give your station and show even more of a human connection.

Be you. Reveal as many of your quirks, flaws and endearing characteristics on the air as you can.

Share your point of view. Filter everything you do through your authentic emotions, opinions, inner thoughts and personal stories.

Minimize app content. Weather, traffic, scores, lists, announcements and information; they’ve got an app for that — cut it back or consider eliminating it.

Maximize storytelling. Drama involves people doing things. Your stories, listener stories and the stories of others.

Replace scripted with real. Instead of a big imaging voice, have your star morning show talk about your promotions in their own words.

Photo by Court Prather on Unsplash

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