One day in 1996, I was watching the Don Imus MSNBC simulcast from WFAN New York, when he suddenly threw a demonic temper tantrum. I can still hear the rage and meanness in his voice, and can [...]
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs MARKETING LIFE CYCLES – PART 2 By Randy Lane STAGE 3: Maturity/Success Success can be dangerous. When brands become [...]
All brands go through four distinct marketing life cycles, according to Theodore Levitt, a Harvard Economics professor and editor of the Harvard Business Review. He identified the stages of [...]
Listeners on music stations not only accept interaction and commentary during news reports, they prefer it. Even on news talk morning shows, round robin news segments. like you see on CNN, score [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
It was April 1956 at WBT Charlotte. Robert D. Raiford reported that racists attacked singer Nat King Cole in Birmingham. Raiford added his opinion to the story, strongly condemning hate crime. [...]