As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Following another relentless round of layoffs and budget cuts, iHeart Media chairman Bob Pittman’s comments reignited radio’s still-raging debate about local versus syndication. The essence of [...]
We learn from our mistakes by observing what not to do. In the current Fortune issue, Doug McMillon, CEO of Walmart, noted, “It’s fun when the world tries to condemn a failure, and inside, you [...]
Films, TV shows, sports teams, podcasts, and radio shows are built around well-branded personalities and performers. The same is true with authors. When airport passengers pick up a book for [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Jason Goodman, VP of Programming DBC RADIO and Randy Lane Imagine Spotify came first. Then imagine radio recently entered the media arena as a competitor. Spotify would [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
The bad news for radio: downsizing continues, revenues haven’t caught up to pre-Covid levels, commercial loads remain too high, listenership is declining especially with young people, music has [...]