As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Do you really want to improve your on-air presentation skills? I’m talking to you driven, aggressive, ambitious individuals who really want it, and want it bad. You have to want it bad [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Imagine next week you find out that Rick Dees, Scott Shannon, or (enter your own Radio Deity here) was going to be in town sitting in a hotel room listening to just your station, and your show. [...]
I’ve been fired, unexpectedly, what’s the first thing I should do? Take a deep breath, relax and figure out a way to turn this huge negative into one of the biggest positives of [...]
Why It Pays to Get Feedback Part 2: “Okay, Brian, but our station does aircheck, and things have improved a little, but not the ratings.” Then you’re station is ready for [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Why It Pays to Get Feedback: Part 1 So if you watched the Oscars, didn’t you just want to yell into co-host James Franco’s earpiece, “Dude, open your eyes more [...]