As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Your show is made up of a unique variety of elements. Yours may include music, talk, contests and games, news, stunts, pranks, topic segments, interviews, and various benchmarks. A step that many [...]
The Randy Lane Company has always believed that the future of radio is talent. We also believe storytelling that includes humor, drama and intrigue are the key ingredients for successful shows. [...]
TREND 1: AFTERNOON IS THE NEW MORNING Talent has become radio’s greatest distinguisher against market competitors and in the expanding audio space. In less than a year, personality-driven [...]
In the latest addition of AdAge, M.T. Fletcher states that cable TV is dying, broadcast TV is on life support, and traditional sports like NFL football viewership have been declining. [...]
“Features and benchmarks are old-school radio. Why can’t we be more like unscripted podcasts and just shoot-the-s*#t?” Go down that road at your own peril. The best podcasts do [...]
As a talent coach, I’m often asked, “What are the key ingredients for a great radio show?” The short answer is sticky content, HD characters, and excellent execution. Reflecting back over the [...]
One of the top challenges for radio shows and podcasts is creating fresh content. That’s why we created a comprehensive daily planning checklist to help jumpstart new content [...]
As a Randy Lane Company client, you will gain access to the largest storehouse of information available anywhere on talent development and performance, personality branding and the creative [...]
Spring is a great time to initiate change, clear out the cobwebs, refresh and update. How about spring cleaning around your show’s features and benchmarks? It can be fun, inspirational and [...]